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CASLLS Goals Cards: Complex Sentence

CASLLS Goals Cards: Complex Sentence
  • CASLLS Goals Cards: Complex Sentence
Complex Sentence Goal Cards correlate with the language structures contained on the Complex Sentence CASLLS, 4 – 8 years. Many organizations have adopted the Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language, and Speech (CASLLS) for tracking student progress and recording their listening and language goals. Now you can display listening and language goals in your therapy room or classroom and make sure you are on target. These cards can be used in individual, small group, or whole group instruction. Additionally, goals can be shared with caregivers to ensure carry-over from school to home. 4" X 11" inches
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© Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children 2015 Sunshine Cottage, a listening and spoken language school, is accredited by AdvancED, OPTION Schools, Inc., and is a Texas Education Agency approved non-public school. Sunshine Cottage is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit educational organization. We accept students regardless of sex, race, affiliation, disability, or national origin.

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